Whether it's boosting burger sales or launching hair care products, our campaigns deliver real impact. Explore our work to see how we drive growth for businesses of all sizes.
6x increase in total impressions; ~50% impressions from influencers
Delivering 119M Impressions, 545K Clicks and 12-18s Average Watch Times (6s Benchmark)
40+ social ideas generated, 20+ Reels produced, 15 minute or less filming time per idea
30 qualified applications, 3 moving to first round interviews, 22% increase in organic search traffic to their career pages
We're always up to something exciting at Dooley Social Studio. Check back here regularly for our latest news, insights, and happenings. From industry trends to company updates, we've got plenty to share. Don't miss out on what's new in our world!
Mastering the Market with Amy Hertsenberg
From emerging trends to core concepts, our Paid Media Director, Amy, breaks down complex topics into engaging, easy-to-understand discussions.
Formerly Dooley Media
2872 Wasson Road
Cincinnati, OH 45209