Dooley Social Studio


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Biotera TikTok Campaign


Biotera is a national, clinically tested haircare brand that focuses on preserving the balance of the scalp's microbiome. They wanted to drive awareness of their scalp-friendly hair care products leveraging their existing community of creators.

We crafted a multi-phase content strategy that strategically leveraged TikTok creator content to drive mass awareness, followed by a retargeting campaign leveraging their resident trichologist and hair care expert.


  • Strategy - Audience Research
  • Strategy - Competitive Analysis
  • Strategy - Goal Setting
  • Media - Campaign Planning & Buying
  • Media - Creative Optimization
  • Content - Influencer and User-Generated Content
  • Analytics - Performance Tracking and Reporting

We surrounded the campaign with an effective paid media budget. Each stage of the campaign successfully exceeded benchmarks and targeted the brand's key audience effectively, achieving above average video watch times, significant clicks to the brand and key retailers websites.

“180% more clicks than benchmark, 6.5x more video views vs. benchmark and 6x higher watchtime vs. benchmark.”

Stephany Mendia, Senior Strategist

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