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Unlocking the YouTube Shorts Algorithm

August 31, 2023

If you've been scratching your head over how to make your brand's YouTube Shorts pop, you're not alone.

The Shorts format was first introduced in 2020 as YouTube’s answer to the rise of TikTok and has steadily been gaining traction on the app and in wider search results (remember, YouTube is owned by Google). These videos are now driving over 50 billion daily views in the app according to TechCrunch.

With the Shorts algorithm being different from the regular YouTube feed, it takes some special consideration to win in the format. With that in mind, YouTube has publised a video featuring Shorts Lead Todd Herman with several great tips to keep in mind.

(Thanks to Social Media Today for highlighting the video, too.)

Here are the big takeaways you need to know:

Yes, the Shorts algorithm is different

Sherman points out that engagement is totally different on “long-form” YouTube where people are choosing which video by tapping on it vs, in “short-form” where people swipe through a feed, and discover things as they go.

For this reason, the algorithm used to present content is very different.

The easiest way to think about this is probably to think of TikTok: similar to TikTok, YouTube wants to show users Shorts that align with what they have shown interest in previously. This relies heavily on factors including watch time, re-watches, likes, shares, and comments.

Key Metrics: Viewed vs. Swiped Away

One of the easiest ways to measure if your content has engaged your audience is the "Viewed vs. Swiped Away" metric. This metric gauges the percentage of times that viewers watch your Shorts instead of swiping away from them and is a key engagement metric the algorithm uses to determine reach.

The metric will help you guage whether your content connected with your audience.

  • According to one company’s analysis, a higher Viewed percentage correlated with better performance overall with videos that achieved over 70-90% performing best.

  • One expert suggests aiming to break 50% Viewed as a standard goal.

  • Ultimately, the most important thing is to establish a baseline metric and try to improve overtime.

Hashtags: To Use or Not to Use?

Hashtags are not required on Shorts, but they can be helpful in certain applications. In particular, they can associate your Shorts with real-world events or trending discussions.

Quality Over Quantity

Don't just churn out Shorts for the sake of it. Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. The algorithm rewards videos viewed through more than an over-active account.

Experiment and Analyze

Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and lengths. Use analytics to inform your content strategy and look for patterns.

Other tips and takeaways

Sherman shared several other great nuggets that can help with Shorts strategy:

  • The Views metric attempts to measure true engagement – YouTube doesn’t share the exact calculation to avoid encouraging people to game the system, but they do share that a calculation does exist. In other words, users need to watch the video for a meaningful amount of time before a “View” is counted.

  • Don’t worry too much about thumbnails – Most users won’t see them since they are swiping through content. However, YouTube now allows you to select a frame from your video as a thumbnail. (They do NOT plan to allow custom thumbnails any time soon.)

  • Shorts will remain short – There are no plans to increase the max length from 60 seconds.

  • Deleting and re-uploading is not advised – There is some advice floating around that this tactic can boost Shorts reach, but YouTube says this risks being seen as spam.

  • Creators should “think audience, not algorithm” – YouTube says this for both long and short-form content: focus on creating great content for your audience above all.

Why it Matters

Understanding the YouTube Shorts algorithm is crucial for social media marketers looking to expand their brand's reach and engagement. With the Shorts format being different from regular YouTube videos, knowing how to navigate this new landscape can give you a competitive edge.

So, go ahead, roll up those sleeves and start crafting Shorts that not only entertain but also engage.

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