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LinkedIn 2023 Feed Update: Yep, You're Seeing Fewer Creators

August 30, 2023

LinkedIn has recently rolled out some significant changes to its user feed algorithm. (This is on top of the changes we covered last month!)

If you've noticed your LinkedIn feed looking a bit different lately, you're not alone. The platform is now focusing more on "engagement signals" to better personalize what you see. In simpler terms, LinkedIn wants to show you more of what you like and less of what you don't.

Let’s dive into some of the key changes that might impact your LinkedIn strategy.

Fewer Creators Shown on Average

Richard van der Blom, a LinkedIn expert, pointed out that the new algorithm narrows down the number of different people whose posts you see. He found that on average, users now see posts from 22 creators, compared to 34 last year. If you engage more with one or two creators, LinkedIn will show you even more from them, pushing others away.

This was confirmed in a technical article released by LinkedIn engineers—and translated to common tongue by Social Media Today:

“Essentially, you’re likely seeing posts from smaller groups of people, and on more focused topics, because that’s what you’re likely to engage with most, and LinkedIn’s algorithm now has more measures to factor in, in order to predict likely engagement.”

— Andrew Hutchinson, Social Media Today

How to Keep Your Feed Fresh

Van der Bloom offers some advice for those who want to freshen up their feeds:

  1. Engage with New Creators: Don't just stick to your regulars. Engage with posts from new and smaller creators to diversify your feed.

  2. Follow More Hashtags: This will introduce you to new topics and creators.

  3. Switch to "Non-Personalized": If you're feeling adventurous, try switching your feed to "Non-Personalized" for a more varied experience.

Why it Matters

These new algorithm changes impact not just what you see, but also who sees your content. If you want to expand your reach, you'll need to understand these changes and adapt your LinkedIn strategy accordingly.

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