Twitter Spaces has launched globally (if you have 600+ followers)

We’ve been following the “Social Audio” competition for a few months now, including the rise of Clubhouse and the first public test of Twitter’s Spaces product. Now, the competition is truly heating up with the official launch of Spaces: Anyone with at least 600 followers can now host their own Audio conversations on the Twitter mobile apps.

Twitter says the follower threshold is another step in testing before it becomes available to everyone. It ensures an existing audience is available, which increases the likelihood of a “good experience.”

As pointed out by Social Media Today, this also continues the exclusivity aspect of the feature, not unlike how Clubhouse grew threw its invite-only “Beta” mode release.

How it Works

To start your own Space, simply long-press the compose button or tap the button to compose a Fleet. You’ll then see the option to start a Space or schedule one for later. You can invite other speakers from there. Once its live, your followers (and your speakers’ followers) will see the Space on the top of their Home screens.


The content of your Space is up to you. The real power of the format is the ability to pull in guest speakers or open the floor to attendees to ask questions and engage.

When you create a Space, you’re in control – who’s speaking, the topics, and the vibe. Invite people to join by Tweeting or DM’ing them to jump in and then invite them to speak directly from your Space. From there, talk about whatever is happening in your world.
— Twitter

You can join a Space as a guest when you see one live at the top of the app’s home screen. Spaces will appear like a Fleet (the “story” feature on Twitter) with a purple background.

When you’re in a Space, you can simply listen in, or you can raise your hand to request permission to speak. There are also interesting new features being rolled out regularly, such as sharing Tweets within the Space, and turning on Captions.

Another exciting feature coming soon: Ticketed Spaces, which will allow hosts more control over scheduling and charging admission.

Why it matters

With its Spaces product, Twitter may have eclipsed Clubhouse in buzz and features. Clubhouse has only just launched its Android app, so Twitter was able to roll out Spaces to Android users before Clubhouse.

Beyond the Social Audio wars, the rollout of Twitter Spaces provides an exciting new format that marketers should be closely considering. You likely already have an audience on Twitter (perhaps unlike Clubhouse) so the barrier to entry it quite low to give it a go.

What conversations could your brand take part in?

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