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TikTok Fights Back with New "Photo Mode"

October 28, 2022

While the more “seasoned” social media companies continue to emulate TikTok’s experiences, TikTok may be turning the tables.

In addition to their now famous video content, TikTok recently introduced new editing tools that includes something called “Photo Mode.” This will now allow TIkTok users to post still-image carousels. In other words, you can now post some of the content that you might expect on other platforms.

The website Social Media Today perhaps put it best:

“TikTok has slapped a proverbial glove across the face of Instagram.”

— Andrew Hutchinson, Social Media Today

One of the key differences between these Photo Mode posts and their carousel counterparts on Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms is that on TikTok you have the ability to place music behind the photos. The audio will play in the background and users will be able to tap through at their own pace.

Why it Matters

There are clear benefits for marketers. For brands using TikTok, this update means you will now be able to make use of your Instagram content directly on TikTok.

In the horserace of social media usage (i.e. the likes of Meta and TikTok constantly battling for users), it’s unclear if this update will make a big difference. But it does seem that TikTok is hoping to expand it’s offering. Could they see a future where TikTok is known not just for fast paced videos, but as a one-stop destination for all your social media needs?

It’s certainly not hard to imagine.

Between this update and last month’s news that TikTok was making its own BeReal clone, we may see more and more of this on TikTok in the coming months and years.

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