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Ad-Free Facebook and Instagram Is Coming! (To the EU)

November 1, 2023

There is a lot of buzz going around about Meta potentially offering an ad-free Facebook and Instagram experience for a monthly subscription fee! The subscription would allow users to browse their favorite platforms without the interruption of ads.

The only catch is—it’s most likely only coming to Europe. At least for now.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, this subscription service could cost around $17 a month for both Facebook and Instagram or around $14 for just one account.

This bold move is said to be a response to the evolving European Union data privacy regulations, aiming to provide users with a choice between personalized services with ads or a subscription to stop the ads. Starting in November, this option will be available in the EU, EEA, and Switzerland, with the subscription covering all linked Facebook and Instagram accounts in a user’s Accounts Center.

At the same time, Meta is emphasizing their commitment to an ad-supported internet, highlighting its accessibility and benefits for small businesses. However, they acknowledge the need to comply with European regulations and offer users a choice.

It’s important to note that this is still in the proposal stage. Meta is currently seeking approval from the European Union to roll out this service, as mentioned in their official news release. This means that there’s still a lot of uncertainty around how and when this will be implemented, and what the final cost will be.

Is this coming to the USA, too?

For now, it’s not likely.

The WSJ reports:

“Privacy-conscious users in the U.S. shouldn’t expect to be offered the option to pay for ad-free Instagram or Facebook soon. Meta’s proposals have been pitched specifically as a way to navigate demands by EU regulators to seek consent before crunching user data to select highly personalized ads.”

Still, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said he is open to the idea. There are also several signs that paid social media is a new trend in the space:

  • Paid verification is now available on Meta, X, and Snapchat

  • Snapchat+ allows users to pay for enhanced features

  • LinkedIn Premium has also been available for many years

  • Similar to Meta, TikTok is also working on a paid, ad-free plan

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For marketers, this means staying on your toes and being ready to adapt.

Why it Matters

The subscription model trend is a significant shift in the social media landscape that could reshape everything from user experience to advertising ecosystems.

For marketers, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game and understand how these changes could impact strategies.

Will this lead to a decrease in ad inventory? How will it affect ad pricing? These are questions we need to start thinking about.

Here are some initial tips to keep in mind:

  1. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on the latest developments on subscription plans coming out from Meta, TikTok, and any other platforms where you operate.

  2. Engage Your Audience: This one always applies! It’s crucial to focus on building a strong community and engaging your audience through quality content. This is the best way to build long-term success online.

  3. Experiment with Paid Subscriptions: If applicable, consider experimenting with paid subscriptions for your own content. Hey, if it works for Meta, maybe it can work for you too?

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