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Event Recap: Exploring the Potential of Threads

August 8, 2023

Our recent webinar, led by senior strategist Ashley Kruger, provided insights into the relatively new social media platform Threads and its potential to change the social media landscape.

Part 1: What We Know So Far

Ashley kicked things off with an overview of the platform, highlighting key features and early best practices from brands like American Eagle and Olipop.

  1. What is Threads?

    • Threads is a novel social media platform launched on July 5th by Instagram's team at Meta. It serves as a space for real-time updates and public conversations, essentially being a text-centric spin-off of Instagram.

  2. Threads' Explosive Growth:

    • Within its first five days, Threads attracted over 100 million users, making it the fastest app ever to reach this milestone.

  3. Platform Features:

    • Threads posts support up to 500 characters, as well as links, images, and videos (up to 5 minutes in length).

    • Users can link multiple posts together, giving rise to the name 'Threads'.

    • Users can heart, like, comment, repost, or share a post.

  4. Updates & Wishlist:

    • Threads is continuously evolving, with users asking for features like a following-only feed, which has been recently added.

    • Features in development include hashtag functionality, account-switching, post-editing capabilities, advertising options, and a potential desktop version.

  5. Comparison with Twitter (“X”):

    • Threads has striking similarities with Twitter. Leveraging Instagram's user base, Threads got a massive initial boost but faced a subsequent decline in user engagement, mainly due to its lack of features.

    • It remains to be seen if Threads can truly compete with Twitter long-term.

  6. Brands on Threads:

    • Though Threads is in its nascent stages, brands have been dabbling with the platform. Brands can use Threads for organic engagement, storytelling, and fostering community vibes.

    • Examples of early adopting brands include American Eagle and Olipop Soda Company. Both these brands prioritize authentic, quirky interactions rather than hard-sell tactics.


Threads, with its rapid growth and integration with Instagram, presents a new frontier for social media marketers and brands. As the platform continues to evolve and respond to user feedback, it offers a promising landscape for authentic, real-time interactions. Brands looking to make their mark early should consider developing a strategy that centers around authentic engagement, storytelling, and community-building.

Part 2: Panel Discussion

We were so fortunate to be joined by an expert panel:

Here's a summary of the insights they shared:

  1. The Initial Flavor of Threads

    • Threads evokes a hint of nostalgia with its conversational atmosphere, reminiscent of Twitter's early days. Lucrecer Braxton drew this parallel while also celebrating the community-driven vibe that Threads fosters.

    • For newcomers, the platform has a familiar feel, resonating with Helen Todd's view that it mimics Twitter's user-friendly interface.

    • Yet, Jeremy Smith's critique highlights a fundamental flaw: Threads still grapples with discoverability issues, which potentially impedes organic reach and community formation.

  2. Breaking Down Features and Their Usability

    • Threads has been both lauded and criticized for its features. The absence of search functionality is a glaring omission. As platforms go, the inclusion of interactive elements like gifs is a boon for user engagement, with Lucrecer noting their power to ignite conversations.

    • It's also evident that with Meta's resources, there's much optimism about refining these features in the future.

  3. The Brand Perspective

    • Threads seems to be a playground for brands to re-invent their digital personas. Lucrecer emphasized the shift towards genuine conversations, suggesting brands eschew overt promotions. A prime example is Sesame Street's tactical use of pop culture moments to drive engagement.

    • Brands should heed Jeremy Smith's advice: Stay true to your essence. If humor isn't your forte, don't force it. Authenticity should be the guiding light.

  4. Moderation and Safety in the Era of Decentralization

    • Jeremy's perspective on Threads potentially integrating with the fediverse brings forth an exciting model for content moderation. However, users should tread cautiously. Lucrecer's warning about data privacy underscores the perennial dilemma of sharing personal information on platforms steered by corporate interests.

  5. Drawing Parallels with Competing Platforms

    • Helen Todd underscored Twitter's unrivaled proficiency in real-time coverage. However, Threads might plug this gap soon.

    • Jeremy also critiqued Threads' aggressive notification strategy, a tactic to siphon Instagram users, which could be a double-edged sword.

  6. Predicting Threads' Trajectory

    • With the looming U.S. election, Threads could become the next hotspot for political discourse. Drawing parallels, the Hudson airplane crash in 2009 was a watershed moment for Twitter. Similarly, the election could define Threads' mainstream acceptance.

    • As for the Twitter versus Threads debate, it's still up in the air. While some panelists anticipate a shift towards Threads, especially among journalists, others feel the revamped "X" version of Twitter will carve its niche, particularly with Elon Musk in the mix.

  7. Threads: To Join or Not to Join?

    • For brands contemplating Threads, the key is experimentation. The platform's nascent stage offers a relatively low-risk environment to test fresh content types. Analytics might be rudimentary now, but as Threads matures, brands can anticipate more sophisticated metrics.

    • However, with the plethora of social media channels available, brands must be judicious. As always, it's better to master a few than to spread oneself too thin.

Wrapping Up:

The evolving landscapes of Threads and Twitter ("X") are a testament to the dynamic nature of social media. Both platforms are at crossroads, shaped by user preferences and corporate strategies. While the future is still nebulous, one thing is crystal clear: these platforms will keep redefining how we communicate, connect, and consume content.

In the end, the onus is on users and brands alike to adapt, innovate, and most importantly, stay authentic in this ever-changing digital realm.

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