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Automatic Captions and Translations Coming to TikTok

July 27, 2022

In order to improve accessibility—and extend the reach of content beyond cultural borders—TikTok is rolling out new features to help automatically provide captions and translations in posts.

Here are all the new features included in this update:

  • Auto-generated captions Previously only available on the creator side, now TikTok viewers can also turn on closed captions for videos when desired.

Auto-Captioning feature turned OFF and On.

  • Translations for captions, video descriptions, and text stickers Text in these areas can now automatically be translated for users speaking a variety of languages, initially including English, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish and Turkish.

Captions in various languages.

TikTok text-based stickers, ORIGINAL vs. TRANSLATED.

Why it Matters

TikTok is famously (and, some are saying, problematically) a Chinese app with global reach and appeal.

This combined with an algorithm that is based entirely on interest and engagement signals presents unique opportunities for posts to travel quickly beyond borders. These new features could greatly extend the potential reach of popular TikTok posts past language barriers.

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