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LinkedIn's Algorithm Revamp (2023)

June 30, 2023

LinkedIn recently rolled out a significant update to its algorithm that prioritizes two things:

  1. Content posted by first-degree connections

  2. Expert knowledge and advice

The changes were announced in an interview in Entrepreneur and in their “Problem Solvers” podcast (embedded at the end of this article). Microsoft-owned LinkedIn says the changes are a direct response to user feedback about an influx of non-professional content and is designed to enhance the value of LinkedIn as a professional networking platform.

Believing that users find the most valuable content comes from people they know, LinkedIn wants to increase the prevalence of updates from direct connections and followed users in their feeds. This shift is a clear signal for marketers to focus on building and nurturing their LinkedIn networks.

The emphasis on expert knowledge and advice will depend on the app identifying users' interests based on their profile info and activity. If other members within your niche are engaging with your posts, that's a strong signal that you're sharing material of relevance and value. This means that in-depth replies and conversations on your posts will help to improve your post reach.

LinkedIn is also encouraging users to share more deep insights rather than just reposting content. This means that generic observations and notes will likely be less amplified than sharing your expert opinion.

How to Navigate the Changes:

Here are a few key items to keep in mind for honing your own LinkedIn strategy:

  • Focus on Professional Content: Avoid posts designed to game the system. LinkedIn wants to punish “engagement bait” and wants to reward professional, relevant content.

  • Nurture Your Connections: Engage with your first-degree connections and followers, as their engagement with your posts will now have a greater impact on your content's reach. Remember that “meaningful comments” on posts are a

  • Share Expert Knowledge and Advice: LinkedIn is prioritizing this type of content, so share your expertise and engage in meaningful conversations. Focus on sharing the posts in your core subject areas. Since LinkedIn wants to highlight posters’ unique points of view, try to use their “share, opinion, advice” format for your posts.

  • Avoid Generic Comments: In-depth replies and conversations will help to improve your post reach, so aim for meaningful engagement rather than one-word comments.

Why It Matters

This update underscores the importance of keeping it professional on LinkedIn by building genuine relationships and sharing valuable, expert content. This is important for company pages but especially for individuals using personal profiles to build their own brands or that of their company.

Hopefully, most of the tips here are not Earth-shattering but are a reminder to stand out by sharing high-quality, professional content that resonates with your network and the broader LinkedIn community. This will ensure your content has the highest potential to reach the right audience and make a meaningful impact.

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