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Instagram to Begin Suggesting Ads from Related Businesses

November 30, 2022

Meta recently announced, among other ad updates, the introduction of an ad placement they’re calling multi-advertiser ads. The setup could improve conversion rate for advertisers—but could create some potentially uncomfortable scenarios, as well.

The purpose of these ads is to increase conversions by showing ads to users who have already exhibited “commercial intent by engaging with an ad.” At that point, Instagram’s algorithms will choose ads from other businesses that may be of interest and show them in a new “You might like” row beneath the original ad.

  • The (long) image on the right (or below this article on mobile) shows how this will look IRL.

  • Instagram says their research shows that these ads “drove improved efficiency in incremental conversions per dollar spent.”

How to turn multi-advertiser ads on (or off):

  • Create an ad in Ads Manager.

  • In the “placements” section, make sure your placements include the Instagram feed by either selecting Instagram in Manual placements or selecting Advantage+ placements.

  • In the formats section at the ad level, select the checkbox for Multi-advertiser ads. This checkbox may be selected by default. So if you do NOT want multi-advertiser placements on, then make sure this box is unchecked.

  • Click Publish when you’re ready to roll.

Check out the full instructions in this Instagram Help article.

Why it Matters

For many social advertisers, driving conversions is the whole ballgame. So any tactics that can improve conversions should be explored.

That said, some brands may chafe at the idea of appearing next to competitors. It will be important to keep this in mind when testing this new feature. (And since Instagram has indicated the placement will be on by default, be sure to look for this checkbox in ads moving forward so you’re aware of whether it’s on or off.)

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