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TikTok Will Now Tell Users Why a Video Was Recommended

December 29, 2022

In an effort to increase transparency into the way its “magical” algorithm works, TikTok has added a new question mark icon that will provide insight into why a video was shown.

The new “Why am I seeing this?” explainer feature will appear on posts in the “For You” feed, which is where the content users see is driven by engagement data—in other words, TikTok displays videos it thinks/knows(!) you’re going to like based on previous behavior.

Unfortunately, the feature is a bit hidden unless you know to look for it. Here’s how to find it:

  • In the For You feed, tap the Share panel.

  • Then tap the “Why this video” button.

Each video should include specific reasons behind the recommendation. But TikTok does also provide some overarching rules that govern recommendations:

  • User interactions — watch habits and engagements (likes, shares, comments, searches)

  • Who you follow and suggested accounts for you

  • Content posted recently in your region

  • Popular content in your region

  • Additional adjustments for things you indicate you are not interested in

Keep in mind that TikTok’s algorithm is much more complicated and deep than this high-level summary may indicate.

Why it Matters

TikTok is under incredible pressure these days. There has always been suspicion about TIkTok because of its apparent ties to the Chinese government, and these fears have only grown as more theories and stories are shared. There have been several calls from US government in recent weeks to ban the app outright—and a recent bill succeeded in banning it on government devices.

So it’s not surprising that TikTok is making an effort to add some transparency to how it works. Features such as this (along with others like tools to help customize recommendations and educational resources that explain how TikTok’s content recommendations work) could help put some fears at ease.

That said, given the politicization of TikTok, it will be an uphill battle. The vague nature of the transparency notes could also potentially backfire. Time will tell!

In the meantime, TikTok’s value is so high and its popularity has risen so quickly that—barring any actual bans in the US—it will remain a must-play channel for many marketers for the foreseeable future.

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