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Your LinkedIn Inbox is About to Become "Focused"

September 28, 2022

LinkedIn is currently testing a new tabbed layout for messages that will split your inbox into a “Focused” and an “Other” view.

The point seems to be to de-emphasize spam. This new direct messaging segmentation aims to declutter your DMs and improve the overall LinkedIn experience.

  • In the new system, LinkedIn will show you messages it believes are most relevant in the Focused tab (assumably those from connections will appear here)… “while the rest remain easily accessible on the Other tab.”

For those who get a lot of unsolicited LinkedIn mail, this could be a welcome change.

Of note: Machine learning algorithms will be used to sort the messages. So essentially, LinkedIn will do its best to place incoming DMs into the tab it believes it belongs in. Importantly, you will have the ability to move messages between tabs. This likely means that those changes should also teach the tool to do better the next time, too.

“Over time, your inbox will become smarter and smarter based on how you use it.”

— Tomer Cohen, Chief Product Officer at LinkedIn

Why it Matters

Hopefully, this new system will prove to be positive for LinkedIn users, making the platform a continued reliable place for business communication and marketing.

It all feels similar to the evolution of Gmail into tabs such as “Promotions”—a system that users seem to find helpful, but that is also a thorn in the side of many email marketers.

There are potential downsides, however. Marketers, job seekers, and networkers could be impacted:

  • If your company does any cold outreach on LinkedIn, you will want to keep an eye on this feature. To be sure, tactics will need to be honed.

  • For users who network on Linkedin such as by reaching out to connect with a recent IRL connection, you may find that your messages take longer to get attention in these scenarios.

  • Similarly, it will be interesting to see what happens to recruitment messages regarding potential career opportunities.

Let’s hope that LinkedIn’s algorithms are good enough to reward authentic outreach by placing great messages into that Focused inbox!

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