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Breaking Down Instagram's New "Broadcast Channels"

February 26, 2023

Instagram’s latest messaging update is focused on connecting brands and creators with their followers.

Instagram Broadcast Channels are a one-to-many messaging tool that allows you to directly engage followers on a larger scale. It is more or less a group message environment, but without the ability of followers to message the group.

How to Join a Channel

The new feature is being tested with a handful of US creators, with more creators set to have access to it soon. Here are some of the currently active channels:

Here’s how to join a channel:

  1. Open the app. The feature is currently only available on mobile.

  2. Find the channel via a creator’s Story sticker, the link pinned to their Instagram profile or, as an existing follower, a one-time notification sent when a creator starts a new channel.

  3. Tap “Join broadcast channel.” If you are not yet following the creator you will be prompted to do so.

  4. Engage: After joining the channel, you can react to content and vote in polls, but cannot send messages. You can also share the channel with your friends.

Once following a channel, there are some notification nuances to keep in mind:

  • Followers have control over notifications and can leave or mute broadcast channels at any time.

  • Notifications for broadcast channels default to "some" but can be changed to "all" or "none."

  • Unless followers add the channel to their inbox, they will not receive any other notifications about a broadcast channel other than the invitation notification.

  • Once a channel is added to their inbox, it will appear among other message threads and notifications will function like any other chat.

Why it Matters

Instagram continues to cater to users’ desires to interact in private/semi-private environments. This user trend isn’t likely to end any time soon, so the Channels update is a way to facilitate creator and brand engagement.

With this new feature, marketers and creators can help deepen their brands’ relationships with followers by engaging in group chats on specific topics or interests, allowing for more targeted and personalized communication.

As with most new features, the key will be to find the most appropriate use case for your unique situation. Think about what broadcast messages would resonate with your audience.

Additional resources:

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