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Making the Most of Social Media Gold with Gold Star

August 27, 2022

With a little creativity, authentic social media engagement can quickly become even greater. This recent story is one great example.

The Cincinnati chili-loving Butcher-Marshall family had recently decided to put their passion to the ultimate test: blind-tasting coneys from Gold Star and Skyline. The at-home coney battle featured all 8 kids and the parents did a great job capturing the magic in a fun video that they posted to Facebook. The video got over 60 comments.

The great news—almost everyone chose Gold Star!

Working with the team at Gold Star, we not only re-shared the video, but we also saw an opportunity to engage more deeply with this priceless moment of authentic excitement.

It turned out that the Butcher-Marshalls were soon to become a blended family, with a wedding coming up soon. To celebrate the occasion, Gold Star chipped in a coney and way bar for their reception. The surprise was shared in a video posted to social, and the reaction was fantastic.

The touching story earned tons of engagement—outpacing most of the brand’s recent original content. We’re confident that is strengthened customer loyalty and attracted new customers.

This great story is just one example of the power of empowering loyal customers and amplifying the existing positive stories. It’s important to look for and recognize for theses moments so you can seize the opportunity to ignite conversation and really put the “social” back in social media.

Update: It looks like wedding guests enjoyed the coneys and ways, too. 😉

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